Call to Action: Provider compensation bill
As you know, our lobbyist Leslie Emerick has been watching this bill closely and working with a coalition of healthcare providers for us. The time has come to take action.
Please support HB 1655/ SB 6161: Concerning Provider Contract Compensation
Requires provider compensation increases commensurate with consumer price index increases for contracts between a health carrier and a health care provider who is not employed or affiliated with a hospital or large hospital system.
Some carriers have never raised their rates in their entire history of working with massage therapists of over 25+ years while others have only done so once or twice.
Carriers claim that provider contracts are negotiated; but, independent providers and small clinics can only accept them or stop being a provider for them.
Call to Action:
In the House: HB 1655 is scheduled for a hearing on 01/24/2024 so before the end of day 1/23/24, contact your Representatives and ask them to support HB 1655. You can do this directly on the bill website page on the legislature website:
The full bill language and tracking page is here: HB 1655
Please also sign in to the public hearing that is scheduled in House Health Care for a public hearing on 1/24/24 at 1:30 pm.
Please sign in as Pro on HB 1655, click on bill hyperlink. Click on Sign up to Testify (it will also allow you to sign in as Pro and not testify):
Go to: “I would like to note my position for the legislative record, then sign in Pro and fill in your home address and phone number. Click send!
In the Senate: As soon as you can and before 1/30/24, contact your Senator directly through this link to the bill website and ask them to support SB 6161. Tell them why it is important to you, your profession and your clients/patients. If you are considering dropping your healthcare providership(s) for financial or other reasons, let them know that too.
Full bill details at: SB 6161:
Level of Urgency:
Please reach out to your Representatives and Senator as soon as you read this article.
If you know your Representatives or Senator personally, reach out directly via email or phone.
What Else Can You Do:
Reach out to your colleagues and let them know of the urgency of getting these bills passed. The number of voices that legislators hear from is very important. Share this email with your massage therapist friends, coworkers and clients.
HB 1655 and SB 6161 provide a much-needed annual increase in reimbursement for private practices. These bills are a first step in ensuring patients can access health care services from independent private practices.