Thank You – 2016 Annual Meeting
Dear Attendees:
Thank you to everyone for your time and input this weekend! It was a great day filled with amazing conversations.
We are so excited with the ideas that came out of this weekend and we are really looking forward to getting to know our new volunteers.
This Chapter is a strong, vibrant chapter with a lot of passionate people. It was great to participate in something in which we were able to hear that passion. Several ideas came up that we, as a Board, are very excited about.
A few things to keep in mind: We would love to see everyone at the Conference in Spokane. Here is the link to register : 2016 Educational Convention, April 23-24
Also, please find the attached volunteer application form. Feel free to print this out and give it to anyone you think would be a great asset to this chapter or fill it out yourself!
It can be returned via email to allison at or mailed back via snail mail to 2442 NW Market Street PMB 92, Seattle, WA 98107. Or, you can give it to any Board member you see in person.
Thank you again for your voice- to our Chapter.
In Service,
Annie LaCroix